Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Design Pyramid for WebApp

A Design Pyramid for WebApp

  • Introduction
  • The creation of an effective design will typically require a diverse set of skills.
  • Sometimes, for small projects, a single developer may need to be multi-skilled. 
  • For larger projects, it may be advisable and/or feasible to draw on the expertise of specialists:
    • Web engineers,
    • Graphic designers,
    • Content developers,
    • Programmers,
    • Database specialists,
    • Information architects, 
    • Network engineers,
    • Security experts,
    • Testers.
  • In Design pyramid for WebApps, each level of the pyramid represents a design action… 

A Design Pyramid for WebApp

Interface Design

  • Where am I? The interface should
    • provide an indication of the WebApp that has been accessed
    • Inform the user of location in the content hierarchy
  • What can I do now? The interface should always help the user understand his current options
    • what functions are available?
    • what links are live?
    • what content is relevant?
  • Where have I been, where am I going? The interface must facilitate navigation. 
    • Provide a “map” (implemented in a way that is easy to understand) of where the user has been and what paths may be taken to move elsewhere within the WebApp.

Aesthetic Design

  • Aesthetic design, also called graphic design.
  • Layout Issues :
    • Don’t be afraid of white space.
    • Emphasize content.
    • Organize layout elements from top-left to bottom right.
    • Group navigation, content, and function geographically within the page.
    • Don’t extend your real estate with the scrolling bar.
    • Consider resolution and browser window size when designing layout.

Content Design

  • Develops a design representation for content objects
    • For WebApps, a content object is more closely aligned with a data object for conventional software.
  • Represents the mechanisms required to instantiate their relationships to one another.
    • Analogous to the relationship between analysis classes and design components.
  • A content object has attributes that include content-specific information
  • Implementation-specific attributes that are specified as part of design

Architecture Design

  • Content architecture focuses on the manner in which content objects (or composite objects such as Web pages) are structured for presentation and navigation.
    • The term information architecture is also used to predict structures that lead to better organization, labeling, navigation, and searching of content objects.
  • WebApp architecture addresses the manner in which the application is structured to manage user interaction, handle internal processing tasks, effect navigation, and present content.
  • Architecture design is conducted in parallel with interface design, aesthetic design and content design.
  • Content architecture :
  • Four different content structures :
    • (1) Linear structures
      • (2) Grid structure
        • (3) Hierarchical structures
          • (4) Networked or “pure web” structure

Architecture Design, Linear structures, Grid structure

Hierarchical structures, Network structures

  • WebApp architecture
    • WebApp architecture describes an infrastructure that enables a Web-based system or application to achieve its business objectives.
  • The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is one of a number of suggested WebApp infrastructure models that decouple the user interface from the WebApp functionality and informational content.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, WebApp architecture

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture

  • Model :
    • The model (sometimes referred to as the “model object”) contains all application-specific content and processing logic, including all content objects, access to external data/information sources, and all processing functionality that is application specific.
  • View :
    • The view contains all interface specific functions and enables the presentation of content and processing logic, including all content objects, access to external data/information sources, and all processing functionality required by the end user.
  • Controller :
    • The controller manages access to the model and the view and coordinates the flow of data between them. 

Navigation Design

  • Begins with a consideration of the user hierarchy and related use cases.
    • Each actor may use the WebApp somewhat differently and therefore have different navigation requirements
  • As each user interacts with the WebApp, it encounters a series of navigation semantic units (NSUs)
    • NSU—“a set of information and related navigation structures that collaborate in the fulfillment of a subset of related user requirements” 

Navigation Semantic Units

  • Navigation semantic unit
    • Ways of navigation (WoN)—represents the best navigation way or path for users with certain profiles to achieve their desired goal or sub-goal. Composed of …
    • Navigation nodes (NN) connected by Navigation links
Navigation Design, Navigation Semantic Units

Navigation Syntax

  • Individual navigation link—text-based links, icons, buttons and switches, and graphical metaphors..
  • Horizontal navigation bar—lists major content or functional categories in a bar containing appropriate links. 
  • Vertical navigation column
    • lists major content or functional categories
    • lists virtually all major content objects within the WebApp.
  • Sitemaps—provide an all-inclusive tab of contents for navigation to all content objects and functionality contained within the WebApp.

Component-Level Design

  • WebApp components implement the following functionality
    • Perform localized processing to generate content and navigation capability in a dynamic fashion
    • Provide computation or data processing capability that are appropriate for the WebApp’s business domain
    • Provide sophisticated database query and access
    • Data interfaces with external corporate systems. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

WebApp Design Goals

WebApp Design Goals

  • Introduction :
  • Jean Kaiser suggests a set of design goals that are applicable to virtually every WebApp regardless of application domain, size, or complexity.
  • The following are the set of design goals to apply webApp
    • Simplicity
    • Consistency
    • Identity
    • Robustness
    • Navigability
    • Visual Appeal 
    • Compatibility

  • Simplicity 
    • Content should be informative but to the point and should use a delivery mode (e.g., text, graphics, video, audio) that is appropriate to the information that is being delivered.
    • Architecture should achieve WebApp objectives in the simplest possible manner.
    • Navigation should be straightforward and navigation mechanisms should be naturally obvious to the end user.
    • Functions should be easy to use and easier to understand.
  • Consistency
    • This design goal applies to virtually every element of the design model.
    • Content should be constructed consistently
    • e.g., text formatting and font styles should be the same across all text documents;
    • Graphic art should have a consistent look, color scheme, and style)
  • Identity
    • Establish an “identity” that is appropriate for the business purpose.
  • Robustness (Strength)
    • The user expects robust content and functions that are relevant to the user’s needs.
  • Navigability
    • Navigation should be simple and consistent.
    • It should also be designed in a manner that is predictable.
    • The user should understand how to move about the WebApp without having to search for navigation links or instructions.
  • Visual appeal
    • The look and feel of content, interface layout, color coordination, the balance of text, graphics and other media, navigation mechanisms must appeal to end-users
  • Compatibility
    • WebApp will be used in a variety of environments (e.g., different hardware, Internet connection types, operating systems, browsers)
    • It must be designed to be compatible with each.

WebApp Design Quality

WebApp Design Quality

  • Introduction:
  • There are essentially two basic approaches to design:
    • The artistic ideal of expressing yourself
    • The engineering ideal of solving a problem for a customer.
  • Design is the engineering activity that leads to a high-quality product. This leads us to a recurring question that is encountered in all engineering disciplines: What is quality?

WebApp Design Quality

  • Some other quality attributes
  • Security
    • WebApps have become heavily integrated with critical corporate and government databases. E-commerce applications extract and then store sensitive customer information. 
    • Rebuff (Reject) external attacks
    • Exclude unauthorized access
    • Ensure the privacy of users/customers
  • Availability
    • The measure of the percentage of time that a WebApp is available for use.
  • Scalability
    • Can the WebApp and the systems with which it is interfaced handle significant variation in user or transaction volume… If numbers of users are extend…
  • Time to Market 
    • although time-to-market is not a true quality attribute in the technical sense, it is a measure of quality from a business point of view.

WebApp Design Patterns

WebApp Design Patterns

  • There are two dimensions in WebApp Design Patterns:
  • The design focus of the pattern and its level of granularity.
  • Design focus identifies which aspect of the design model is relevant (e.g., information architecture, navigation, interaction).
  • Granularity identifies the level of abstraction that is being considered (e.g., does the pattern apply to the entire WebApp, to a single Web page, to a subsystem, or an individual WebApp component?).

  • Design Focus 
  • WebApp patterns can be categorized using the following levels of design focus
    • Information architecture patterns relate to the overall structure of the information space, and the ways in which users will interact with the information. 
    • Navigation patterns define navigation link structures, such as hierarchies, rings, tours, and so on. 
    • Interaction patterns contribute to the design of the user interface.
    • Presentation patterns assist in the presentation of content as it is presented to the user via the interface.
    • Functional patterns define the workflows, behaviors, processing, communication, and other algorithmic elements within a WebApp.

  • Design Granularity: When a problem involves “big picture” issues, you should attempt to develop solutions (and use relevant patterns) that focus on the big picture. 
  • In terms of the level of granularity, patterns can be described at the following levels. 
    • Architectural patterns. This level of abstraction will typically relate to patterns that define the overall structure of the WebApp, indicate the relationships among different components. 
    • Design patterns. These address a specific element of the design such as an aggregation of components to solve some design problem, relationships among elements on a page, or the mechanisms for effecting component-to-component communication. 
    • Component patterns. This level of abstraction relates to individual small-scale elements of a WebApp.

User interface Design Patterns

User interface Design Patterns

  • Hundreds of user interface (UI) patterns have been proposed in recent years. 
  • Most fall within one of the following 10 categories of patterns
  • (1) Pattern: TopLevelNavigation 
    • Brief Description: Used when a site or application implements a number of major functions. Provides a top-level menu, often coupled with a logo or identifying graphic, that enables direct navigation to any of the system’s major functions. 
  • (2) Pattern: CardStack 
    • Brief Description: Used when a number of specific subfunctions or content categories related to a feature or function must be selected in random order. [e.g. DropDownList]
  • (3) Pattern: Fill-in-the-Blanks 
    • Brief description: Allow alphanumeric data to be entered in a “text box.” 
  • (4) Pattern: SortableTable
    • Brief description: Display a long list of records that can be sorted by electing a toggle mechanism for any column label. 
  • (5) Pattern: BreadCrumbs 
    • Brief description: Provides a full navigation path when the user is working with a complex hierarchy of pages or display screens. 
  • (6) Pattern: EditInPlace
    • Brief description: Provide simple text editing capability for certain types of content in the location that it is displayed.
  • (7)  Pattern: SimpleSearch 
    • Brief description: Provides the ability to search a website or persistent data source for a simple data item described by an alphanumeric string.
  • (8) Pattern: Wizard
    • Brief description: Takes the user through a complex task one step at a time, providing guidance for the completion of the task through a series of simple window displays.
  • (9) Pattern: ShoppingCart 
    • Brief description: Provides a list of items selected for purchase. 
  • (10) Pattern: ProgressIndicator 
    • Brief description: Provides an indication of progress when an operation takes longer than n seconds.

Component Level Design Patterns

Component Level Design Patterns

  • Component-level design patterns provide you with proven solutions that address one or more subproblems extracted from the requirements model. 
  • In many cases, design patterns of this type focus on some functional element of a system. 
  • For example: Searching is a very common problem, it should come as no surprise that there are many search-related patterns like… 
    • AdvancedSearch
    • HelpWizard
    • SearchArea
    • SearchTips
    • SearchResults
    • SearchBox