Validation Testing
- Validation testing begins at the conclusion of integration testing,
- When individual components have been exercised, the software is
completely assembled as a package, and interfacing errors have been
uncovered and corrected.
- At the validation or system level, the distinction between conventional
software, object-oriented software, and WebApps disappears.
- Testing focuses on user-visible actions and user-recognizable output
from the system.
- In simple meaning, validation succeeds when software functions
in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer.
- Validation-Test Criteria
- Software validation is achieved through a series of tests that demonstrate
conformity with requirements.
- A test plan outlines the classes of tests to be conducted and A test procedure
defines specific test cases that are designed to ensure that
- All functional requirements are satisfied,
- All behavioral characteristics are achieved,
- All content is accurate and properly presented,
- All performance requirements are attained,
- Documentation is correct, and usability and other requirements are met
(e.g., transportability, compatibility, error recovery, maintainability).
- After each validation test case has been conducted, one of two possible
conditions exist:
- The function or performance characteristic conforms to specification
and is accepted.
- A deviation (Error) from the specification is uncovered and a deficiency list
is created.
- Configuration Review :
- An important element of the validation processis a configuration review.
- The objective of the review is to ensure that all elements of the software
configuration have been properly developed.
- The configuration review, sometimes called an audit…
- Acceptance Testing :
- When custom software is built for one customer, a series of
acceptance tests are conducted to enable the customer to validate
all requirements.
- Conducted by the end user rather than software engineers, an
acceptance test can range from an informal “test drive” to a
planned and systematically executed series of tests.
- In fact, acceptance testing can be conducted over a period of weeks
or months.
- Alpha and Beta Testing :
- If software is developed as a product to be used by many customers, it
is impractical to perform formal acceptance tests with each one.
- Most software product builders use a process called alpha and beta
testing to uncover errors that only the end user seems able to find.
- The alpha test is conducted at the developer’s site by a representative
group of end users.
- The software is used in a natural setting with the developer “looking
over the shoulder” of the users and recording errors and usage
- Alpha tests are conducted in a controlled environment.
- The beta test is conducted at one or more end-user sites.
- Unlike alpha testing, the developer generally is not present.
Therefore, the beta test is a “live” application of the software in an
environment that cannot be controlled by the developer.
- The customer records all problems (real or imagined) that are
encountered during beta testing and reports these to the developer
at regular intervals.
- As a result of problems reported during beta tests, you make
modifications and then prepare for release of the software product
to the entire customer base.
Test Strategies for WebApps
- The strategy for WebApp testing adopts the basic principles for all software
testing and applies a strategy that are used for object-oriented systems.
- The following steps summarize the approach :
- The content model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover errors.
- The interface model is reviewed to ensure that all use cases can be
- The design model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover navigation
- The user interface is tested to uncover errors in presentation and/or
navigation mechanics.
- Each functional component is unit tested.
- Navigation throughout the architecture is tested.
- The WebApp is implemented in a variety of different
environmental configurations and is tested for compatibility
with each configuration.
- Security tests are conducted.
- Performance tests are conducted.
- The WebApp is tested by a controlled and monitored
population of end users.
Test strategies for Object-Oriented Software
- Introduction: The objective of testing, stated simply, is to find the
greatest possible number of errors with a manageable amount of
effort applied over a realistic time span.
- Although this fundamental objective remains unchanged for objectoriented software.
- The nature of object-oriented software changes both testing
strategy and testing tactics (Plan).
Unit Testing in the OO Context
- When object-oriented software is considered, the concept of the
unit changes. Encapsulation drives the definition of classes and
- This means that each class and each instance of a class packages
attributes (data) and the operations that manipulate these data.
- An encapsulated class is usually the focus of unit testing.
- However, operations (methods) within the class are the smallest
testable units. Because a class can contain a number of different
operations, and a particular operation may exist as part of a number
of different classes.
- Class testing for OO software is the equivalent of unit testing
for conventional software.
- Unlike unit testing of conventional software, which tends to
focus on the algorithmic detail of a module and the data that
flow across the module interface,
- Class testing for OO software is driven by the operations
encapsulated by the class and the state behavior of the class.
Integration Testing in the OO Context
- Different strategies for integration testing of OO systems.
- Thread-based testing
- use-based testing
- Cluster testing
- The first, thread-based testing, integrates the set of classes
required to respond to one input or event for the system.
- Each thread is integrated and tested individually.
- Regression testing is applied to ensure that no side effects occur.
- The second integration approach, use-based testing, begins the
construction of the system by testing those classes (called
independent classes) that use very few (if any) server classes.
- After the independent classes are tested, the next layer of classes,
called dependent classes, that use the independent classes are
- This sequence of testing layers of dependent classes continues until
the entire system is constructed.
Cluster testing
- Cluster testing is one step in the integration testing of OO software.
- Here, a cluster of collaborating classes is exercised by designing test
cases that attempt to uncover errors in the collaborations.